8 Oct 2008
The Heat
- Nikkei 225 Index plunged 9.38% (worst one-day plunge since 1987).
- Hang Seng Index lost 8.2%.
- Australia's All Ordinaries Index closed 4.1% lower.
- Trading halted in Jakarta as the main index fell more than 10%.
- Dow Jones shed 5.1%.
- Straits Times Index dived 6.61%.
- Seoul Composite Index dropped 5.81%.
- London, Paris, Frankfurt, Russia felt the heat as well.
In another part of the world, something’s burning too.

The hot chilli paste/flakes from Restoran Super Kitchen.
The Remedies(?)
- Britain pumped US$875 million to save banks from collapsing.
- Japan came up with a US$20.7 billion rescue plan.
- America approved a US$700 billion bailout for Wall Street banks.
- Hong Kong announced 1% cut in interest rates.
- Australia's central bank offered US$856 million.
- Senator Obama and Senator McCain were still debating on tax cuts for the middle class on television.
We can only hope the cash sprays are able to extinguish the on-going fires.

Like how we wish the herbal tea can cool down the burn from the chilli. Can it?
For now, it’s still early to tell. Confusions aloud as investors forecast whether it’s a bottomless pit or has the slump reached a plateau.
The Lesson
We've learnt not to put too much chilli paste/flakes into the noodle. Be cautious. Be wise. It may look tantalizing, together with all the other ingredients such as crispy anchovies, minced meat, fried shallot bits and a not-so-perfect-rather-overcooked poached egg. The more is definitely not the merrier. Take only what you can handle.

The Flickers
On-going fires certainly made transitions and short-missile launches sounded like the soup version of the pan mee. Uninteresting, as the soup base was rather bland despite the flavoursome ingredients included in the soup such as shitake mushroom slices, pork meatballs, fried shallot bits, potato leaves and an egg.

The Noodle
It was al dente, thick and smooth. Almost udon-like, this pan mee (handmade, flour-based noodle). Ensemble-wise, the dry version fared much better in terms of flavour. Since most of the ingredients are fried in one way or another, a nice combination of aroma and crunch is expected. Just test the chilli before investing, I mean pouring, the whole jar into the bowl. You don't want to cry for water, later. And by the way, where's the lime to go with the chilli??

The Wish
If you are burning still or have been burnt, do order yourself another shot of the herbal tea.
And we shall all hope and pray for rain to put all the fires away.
The Address
Restoran Super Kitchen
18, Jalan Metro Perdana 8
Taman Usahawan Kepong
52100 Kuala Lumpur.
The Branches
33, Jalan Dewan Sultan Sulaiman 1
Off Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman
50300 Kuala Lumpur.
(Opposite Kin Kin)
Tel: (+603) 2697 0998
3-1, Jalan PJU 5/4
Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya.
Tel: (+603) 6141 7398
The Prices
Dry Pan Mee - RM6.00 per bowl
Soup Pan Mee - RM5.00 per bowl
ooo yummie.. what's the remedy for, if I cannot feel my tongue..?.. eat more Chilli Pan Mee! (this place is Chilli Pan Mee, isn't it?);D
wah ... fiery goodness.
reminded me of Kin Kin again.
now RM6 liao? wah... pan mee last time was RM2.50 only.
sigh ...
well burnt , well tasted , super words of fiery wisdom , and well spoken .
and AAB ? He heroically offered to resign ( but still might stand for elections... )
and so the world spins , lets eat
I gonna adopt Teckiee's motto: Eat First Think Later. No matter how bad the economy going to be, still must eat right? BTW, am so gonna convert my life savings to AUD now.
For some reason, I misread one of your lines as "You don't want to cry for WEEKS, later."
Which might turn out to be true, if one overdoes it. Ah, but one only eats, er, lives once, right? ;)
U put a lot of chilli!! U must have a very strong stomach/tongue? ~.~
cumi & ciki, yupe, this is the chilli pan mee. the "not" kin-kin one...hehe.. :) somehow, pink floyd's 'comfortably numb' comes to mind..haha!
j2kfm, oh, i've not visited kin kin a few good years d...no time..sigh...yeah, rm6..i think the rental went up..sigh...i love pan mee!!!
backstreetgluttons, thanks for the compliment!! aiyoh, might stand for election? ohh....a dish suddenly comes to mind. soup version pan mee with some chili paste...hmmm...yes, let's eat!! i agree!! :)
precious pea, haha! i hafta agree that teckiee's motto works everytime! bravo! AUD now good price? ok, ok...i go check afterwards! :)
kenny, woah, you sooo the carpe diemish! cool! yeah, you are right! we only live once. so, let's makan all the food there is! of course, we must remember not to waste as well! :)
mimi, hehe...i think i put about 3 spoons of the chili. at first not so hot. then, as i eat, i can feel the burn! haha! ended up ordering another "leung char"...hahaha!
I've also learnt not to add 3 big spoons of fiery chilli paste into my bowl of katong laksa. I almost choked on it. Talk bout underestimating SG's chilli paste.
Sighs missing chilli paste...though I loved that pic of mounds of chilli on your pan mee. Looks like fire 50% up...your post so current affairs wan. :)
good write up! things are really going haywire around the world eh. hopefully, our deposits in bank are safe otherwise must thug underneath our pillows already. anyhow, whatever comes .. we kick back and enjoy our yummy, cheap asian food lah ... we are darn lucky!
impressive photos with kit lense. not buying new lens? haha! no la, i using nikon d40, camemberu's using canon 400d. haha
Chilli looked so hot and fiery - on a cold UK evening as I am writing this, how I long for this!
xiu long bao, yeah, never underestimate the power of da chilli. then again, need to sweat it out once in awhile...so, guess it's ok lar..hehehe
msiagirl, current affairs? haha, i guess i've been sitting in front of the tv for too long in the past 7 days! haha! oh, the red hot chilli does look tempting, doesnt it? but it gets rather fiery as well. *sweating just thinking about it!*..haha!
lianne, thanks! glad you liked the post! :) haha! i cant imagine the day when we really have to thug our deposits underneath our pillows. it'll be a nightmare. yupe, whatever happens, the tummy needs to be filled. and asian food also getting quite expensive these days..sigh....
brad, thanks, dude! new lens? hehe...very expensive la. i read about the intro to the new AF-S nikkor 50mm F1.4G. compatible with our DX series dslr. but the price? US$440! woah! *faint*
hazza, oh, my malaysian friends living in the UK are saying the same thing as well. apparently, the weather has been kinda gloomy these days and they missed the colourful, fiery chilli. perhaps it's time for a curry dish in your kitchen? :)
snigger, love the tie in with the state of world affairs. cheap hor this place. but i always think pan mee is for females...
as for the world crisis, someone told me, oh, the only two countries not affected are north korea and malaysia...
it looks really hot but we as malaysian,
no chilies = no life, right?
I go to the one in Kota Damansara...if I'm downtown, then it'll be the original Kin Kin for me.
Thanks for the market update. I can cancel my Bloomberg di. As for the chilli, all I can say is WOW, I WANTTTTTT!!!!!!! Oh, throw yourself into the package deal and it'd be perfect, sweetie. ;-)
gosh we should spend less now and start saving! lol!
fatboybakes, haha! i love pan mee lah. not the soft, peeling type. but the spaghetti-like ones. there's something nice about the texture. like la mian liddat...
yeah! i realised that malaysia and north korea are least affected! then again, got other issues to take care of lar..haha!
ai wei, oh yes, eventhough we sweat, cry and go crazy, we will still love our chilies!!! the hotter the better. and cool it down with a nice liong cha (herbal tea)...hehe
wmw, looks like you've been to the famous ones in KL already! i've yet tried the one at kota damansara..then again, i still dunno where it is...hehee..*blushing*
lyrical lemongrass, with your "fighting fire with fire" ideology, this will definitely be a good remedy for your recent sickness. when wanna go? let me know lar! :) me part of the package deal? hahahahahaha! can, can. :)
bigboysoven, yeah! we should save more. never know how bad recessions can be, me thinks. hey, the one at kota damansara is near your place, right? do check it out! :)
looks super spicy... dun think i can take this >.<"
ling239, hehehe, i think 1 tablespoon of the chili is still ok lar...i was very kiasu that day.... :( hot! hot! haha!
tat botel chili can take aways ??
Wah price up already ah? RM 5.50 only wor the last I went to eat. Nice linkage of the financial crisis with chili pan mee lol.
faye fly, cannot lar...haha! that's why i taruk so much on my bowl...i am si beh kiasu sometimes..hehe
simon, thanks dude! aiyoh, the economy's even worse now...sigh...time to make my own chilli already..hehe
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