Not too shabby.
For a beautiful day.
Like today.
Click here for the original recipe from the fabulous FatBoyBakes (aka Guffawing King).
Not too shabby.
For a beautiful day.
Like today.
Click here for the original recipe from the fabulous FatBoyBakes (aka Guffawing King).
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Labels: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Tell-A-Tale
wah ... perfect for tea break on a cloudy day like this ...
sigh, come let me taste some? :)
I remember the day we ate this cake...quite like today. You have the makings of an FBB, Hairy.
except he's not F...
he can be HBB or SBB...
SBB sounds like a now defunct bank...
hey, hairy, the cake looks very good wor, better than mine.
i want to try it hairy! lol..
today's a rainy day, good day for a cake and a cuppa.
What's HBB? HairyBerryBerry? Then SBB = SoyBerryBerry? I am so lost. (Though, given our recent FB conversation, it's more like Sexed-upBerryBerry.)
Anyway, the cake was delish lah. Good recipe (FBB) + good baker (HBB/SBB) = Satisfied Kenny (no acronym applicable)
Anathor nice shot~~
It that a glass at the right bottom corner?
i dowan the recipe.. i wanna eat it!!
eh why today's post so short one? dun become like me liddat no time to write properly, i love the way u write! ;)
j2kfm, oh, i heard it rained quite heavily in kl yesterday evening...errr, i wish i could share them with you with last saturday finish time lar, ok? ;D
lyrical lemongrass, OMG! really thanks for the compliment but i'm nowhere near the fabulous FBB lar. even my recipe also tiru from him one..hehehe...yes, i hope you liked the cake that day. hope you had fun yesterday. ;D
fatboybakes, technically, i am F. i think i weight about 90 kg already lar, now. hehehe...oh, i remember that defunct bank in chow kit (or jalan raja laut)...the cake looks good, but taste and texture not so good lar. nothing compared to your original. me main-main only lar...hehe...thanks for the recipe (and inspiration)!
keropokman, i got no kitchen in sg lar...but next time i make, i try to 'seludup' some back to sg lar, ok? hehehe...
yeah, this morning also rain like mad! sigh....
kenny, sexed-up? who? who? haha! hairyberryboy, soyberryboy? haha!
and thanks for the compliment on the cake. so nice of you guys to actually dare to try. aiyah, we'll always call you LFB lar. ;D
Shell (貝殼), thanks! it was a fun day out! ;D oh yes, that's a glass of mojito from palate palette. alcohol on a saturday afternoon. what was i thinking?? haha!
cumi & ciki, haha! you should try out fbb's recipes. definitely fun and interesting! wish i could share some with you, but finished last saturday already ;D time, ok? ;D
jun, awwww, you so sweet! i will continue my shiok sendiri stowies soon. hehehe...just thought it'll be a good time to post this cake mah. the right food and the right time. ;D
wah, you baked that? extremely drool inducing! wished i could bake this well too!
interesting attempt and you look delicious ... err i mean the cake -.- nice job *clap clap*
walio! I think I need to hire you to teach some baking in our studio soon! so cool!
sc, yupe, i baked that. with the help of fbb's recipe..hehe...give his recipes a try! if i can do it, so can you! gambatte! ;D
live2talk, thanks, thanks! would have loved to share with you some but finished delicious? haha! i just hope you wont throw up if we meet..haha! ;D
big boys oven, aiyoh, i malu lar cos you guys are such good bakers. i might just ring the recess bell 10 minutes into the class...hehee..and after that, dismiss my class..hehehe...
I think guy who do baking is sexy~~ are u?
mimi, really? cool! ah, yes, i baked that cake myself (but with a tiru recipe lar) ;D
jackson, thanks for the compliment, dude! yeah, especially on rainy days like these...;D
desserts!!! i need some right now.
u bake tat ? wow...
open for orderings yet ? ^_^
ai wei, too. the rainy days are adding to my hunger as well..haha! goes well with a cuppa tea also..hehe
ling239, yupe, i got the recipe from fatboybakes ;D...ordering?? hehe, no lar. i malu lar. my standard is not there...main-main ok lar..hehe
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